01_Joining Discord

Welcome to the hackathon! First things first, please follow the link below to join our community server and drop a greeting!

I Can’t See the Hackathon Channel!

If you’re new to the server, you’ll need to add the Open Source ML role to dive into the diverse conversations happening in the krew23-hackathon channel. Your involvement will undoubtedly elevate the energy and creativity here.

What Should Be My First Message?

Your initial engagement with the community can leave a lasting impression. Start by introducing yourself in the krew23-hackathon channel. Sharing your expertise, objectives for this hackathon, and the qualities you’re seeking in potential team members can help others understand and connect with you better.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to contribute to other participants’ threads. Share your feedback on their ideas and engage in thorough exchanges of thoughts as you collaborate on projects.

Any Further Questions?

Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out directly to the administrators listed below for immediate assistance.

  • @wonhseo
  • @gabriely1004
  • @jungnerd

Now, you are an integral part of this hackathon’s epicenter, the community. Never underestimate how your participation and communication enrich this communal experience. We support your new venture wholeheartedly!